Every year we have a civic duty that we are usually reluctant to perform: filling out tax returns. Even if this is simplified by modern computer programs, uncomplicated income and asset relationships can still present a challenge. This is mainly due to the enormous consequences of a false declaration (financial or even criminal).

Together with our qualified tax law expert, our team offers advice on tax optimization. Thanks to our extensive experience in tax advice and in structuring complex mutations and restructurings, we can provide you with solutions tailored to your needs. Our excellent cooperation with representatives of the municipal, cantonal and federal authorities simplifies the settlement procedure.

Our services include advice on corporate tax law, international taxes, value-added tax, succession planning as well as income tax and retirement planning for private clients. This makes it possible to find a comprehensive tax planning solution for you.

We will support you in the development of practicable and efficient solutions for tax law problems and/or represent you competently before authorities and courts in any tax law disputes.


  • Tax return

  • Tax Consultancy

  • Withholding Tax

  • Value Added Tax

  • Succession Planning



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