If a person has died, the estate is also settled. The surviving dependents inherit according to legal succession which is regulated in the Swiss Civil Code (ZGB). According to the ZGB, cohabiting partners are not legal heirs of the deceased. Moreover, partners can only be favored in a will to a limited extent, due to the so-called compulsory portions (minimum contributions under inheritance law) of the descendants, parents or spouse. If compulsory portions are violated, they do not automatically become invalid, but must be sued accordingly.

Surviving dependents are often overwhelmed in mourning to worry about legal matters. We will stand at your side in all aspects of inheritance law and represent your legal claims before courts and the authorities. With an inheritance contract you can make binding arrangements with your future heirs regarding the distribution of your assets. This often prevents future disputes and resentment. In addition, our lawyers and notaries support you in advance in planning your estate, drawing up contracts, with wills and inheritance contracts. Moreover, we will take over the execution of wills and representation of heirs.


  • Heirs and Distribution of the Estate

  • Legacy

  • Testamentary Disposition

  • Last Will and Testament

  • Inheritance Tax

  • Inheritance contract

  • Settlement of Estates

  • Legal Portion

  • Executor



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