Administrative law includes the regulation of administrative activities and the organization and procedures of the administrative authorities. Administrative law is part of public law and concerns not only the relationship between state authorities and citizens but also the legal protection of citizens against executive decrees. For example, state authorities also include public schools. If a school issues a decree with which one disagrees, this decree must be challenged in accordance with the regional administrative law.

An administrative procedure is any procedure in which an order is to be issued. Each canton has enacted its own Administrative Procedure Act. The process of the administrative procedure requires in-depth knowledge and experience.

Our services cover the entire field of administrative law and include advice and representation before all state authorities, bodies and courts in administrative proceedings, i.e. in administrative proceedings, appeal proceedings and administrative criminal proceedings. We will advise you competently and with great expertise on legal issues in general administrative law.


  • Complaints Procedure

  • Decrees



Diego Benz als neues Mitglied bei WAL

15. März 2022|

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Philippe Kaiser als Prüfungsexperte

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